Here's a pocket for memorabilia. Do you see the rub ons? I used it on almost every page. :) Here are some journaling tags.
I made this mini album a while ago, but wanted to share it with you. I made this mini album using the flap book from Pinecone Press (can you tell I love them by now) and I believe the papers are from Heidi Grace.
As promised, here is the finished mini album using the 'Birthday Hoot' paper collection. The flap book is also by Pinecone Press. I hope you enjoy it as much as Adam. :)
Here's a quick layout of me and my youngest son, Aaden. The paper is from K&CO's Que Sera Sera collection. The paper is so pretty that all I needed to do was add the pictures and some rub ons! Love it!
We're going to our friend's son birthday party this weekend, so I made him this card. Papers are from Pinecone Press' Birthday Hoot collection. Thanks for stopping by!
I'm so sorry for the long silence! I have been crafting during this time, but I haven't finished any projects. I can't seem to focus on just one project from start to finish. So, my goal is to complete all my outstanding projects by the end of May. And as I complete them, I will be sharing them with you (I plan to share at least 1 project each week). So, please drop by (often) to see my latest craft and hold me accountable! :)
Hi, my name is Queena. I'm a wife and mom to 2 boys. I have a passion for scrapbooking, and love to make anything crafty about my friends and family. The next best thing to scrapbooking is giving the finished creations away!